Relatório: 10 exchanges mais procuradas por brasileiros em março

Crypto Milled – 10 most wanted exchanges by Brazilians in March – News

After Bitcoin reached the $ 60,000 mark, the cryptocurrency market got even hotter. In March alone, more than R $ 7.5 billion in BTC were negotiated by exchanges operating in Brazil.

This Wednesday (7), the Cointrader Monitor listed the top 10 exchanges most sought after by cryptocurrency investors in March.

List of most searched exchanges

The survey carried out by Cointrader Monitor was based on access to the pages “Bitcoin prices in Brazil”, “arbitrage analysis” and “Brazilian exchange rates”.

The research understands that the behavior of the investor residing in Brazil is supported by analysis of quotation, security and speculation.

In addition, the March data showed some changes in the market. BitPreço, for example, moved up four positions and now leads the ranking of the most searched brokers. The company was responsible for 12.33% of searches.

List of most searched exchanges

Meanwhile, Bitcoin Market and Binance exhibited a small drop. Both went down one place on the list. However, they are still responsible for the highest volume of Bitcoin transactions.


In addition to BitPreço, three other exchanges surprised the monthly result. Alter and FlowBTC grew five positions each, the first mentioned is occupying the second place on the list. FlowBTC came in 7th place, holding 4.57% of searches on the site.

The third to stand out is Foxbit. The broker climbed six steps and won tenth place in the ranking, with 3.03% of accesses.

Falling down?

Although Binance and the Bitcoin Market saw a slight drop, the “biggest concern” was for BitcoinTrade executives. The company moved down four positions in a single month.

NovaDAX, which previously led the list, now took 3rd place, representing 10.66% of the search for investors.

Brief analysis

Bitcoin ended March at R $ 334,025.66, obtaining an appreciation of 18.49% in the period. At the time of writing this story, cryptocurrency is listed for R $ 321,479.59.

After 3 days of falling price, the digital currency grew 1.96% in the last 24 hours.

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