Famoso meme vira NFT vendido por R$ 2,6 milhões

Crypto Milled – Famous meme becomes NFT sold for R $ 2.6 million – News

The non-fungible token (NFT) market may have cooled in recent weeks. However, this did not prevent someone from buying one of the best known memes on the internet, the “Girl from the Fire”, for R $ 2.6 million.

On April 16, Zoe Roth’s meme – which became known for its iconic photo in which it appears in front of a fire with a “malicious” smile – was auctioned for $ 486,000.

Meme becomes NFT and sells for millions

The photo that became a meme was taken in 2005, when Zoe was only 4 years old. On that day, fire brigade agents extinguished a controlled fire in a property near Zoe’s residence.

Amateur photographer Dave Roth, Zoe’s father, was the one who registered to test his new camera. Little did he know that 16 years later, that photo would be worth millions of reais.

Today, at the age of 21, Zoe is a university student and chose to sell the photo after receiving an email that alerted her to the “significant value of the good”.

At first, she and her father did not believe that the photo could be worth so much. But they were advised by lawyers to auction the image in the form of an NFT.

“Being able to sell it just shows us that we have some kind of control. Nobody who is a meme tried to do that, it ended up being that way. It’s luck? Is it fate? I have no idea. But I’m going to take advantage of that, ”said Zoe in an interview with The News & Observer.

Zoe said her expectation was that the digital item would be sold for 100 Ether, which currently costs about $ 2,700.

However, the buyer identified only as “3fmusic” officially purchased the token for 180 ETH, which at the time of writing this article is equivalent to approximately US $ 486 thousand – that is, R $ 2.6 million.

As the family said, the amount collected will be divided between Zoe, the father, the mother and the brother. In addition, the young woman said that she will donate part of the amount to non-profit organizations.

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