Político perde R$ 140 milhões em Bitcoin; saiba o que aconteceu

Crypto Milled – Politician loses R $ 140 million in Bitcoin; know what happened – News

Ukrainian politician and ex-businessman Davyd Arakhamia recently revealed that he has lost approximately 400 Bitcoins.

In an interview, the Ukrainian parliamentarian told the story of how he lost access to his digital wallet, which contained the equivalent of US $ 25 million (current quote). That is, about R $ 140 million, at the current price in reais.

Understand the case

When Arakhamia was still an entrepreneur, his company started accepting Bitcoin payments from customers.

He did not specify the date, exactly, but said that Bitcoin had just emerged.

It so happens that the politician accidentally deleted the file encrypted with the private key on his hard drive.

According to his account, the file looked like a movie format file and he forgot its real content. So, it removed it along with a bunch of other movies to free up disk space.

Although he no longer has access to his BTCs, Davyd Arakhamia is part of an extensive group of civil servants in Ukraine who own Bitcoin.

According reported CriptoFácil recently, the government of Ukraine revealed that this group claimed to have 46,315 Bitcoins. The value is equivalent to approximately R $ 16.3 billion at the current price.

Similar cases

While hardware wallets provide an extra layer of security for cryptocurrencies, losing key phrases can prevent an investor from accessing their cryptocurrencies forever.

Earlier this year, CriptoFácil also told the story of Ripple’s former chief technology officer, Stefan Thomas, who lost the role that kept his private password.

He received Bitcoins back in 2011, when he lived in Switzerland, for recording an animated video about the cryptocurrency.

However, in the same year, he lost his private keys. In the inaccessible portfolio, it has 7,002 Bitcoins, which, at the current price, are equivalent to R $ 2.46 billion.

Another popular figure who lost his Bitcoins was Peter Schiff, known for tirelessly criticizing cryptocurrency.

In January 2020, he lost access to the wallet because he confused the wallet PIN password with the recovery phrase.

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