JBS anuncia blockchain para monitorar sua cadeia de produção

Crypto Milled – JBS announces blockchain to monitor its production chain – News

Four years after controversies involving the processing of its products, JBS announced on Wednesday (28) the implementation of blockchain technology to monitor its supply chain.

The food company told Reuters that its goal is to ensure greater transparency for its consumers. Through the ecosystem, the company will be able to guarantee 100% green production, free from environmental deforestation – a topic widely discussed.

The Transparent Livestock Platform was the tool adopted by JBS executives. Its ecosystem is integrated with that of the Green Platform, which keeps a record of all its data.

Recently, Gilberto Tomazoni, CEO of JBS, said that he plans to eliminate deforestation caused in the Amazon by the company’s production chain. In addition, the executive wants to make the company an example of sustainability.

Blockchain in the food sector

JBS estimates that all its suppliers voluntarily register and supply data on the Transparent Livestock Platform in the coming years.

In this way, the company that owns dozens of brands would guarantee 100% green production of its products.

“This platform invites the producer to present his suppliers’ data. In this way, everyone will have access to the same socio-environmental requirements that we have already checked from producers who negotiate directly with us, ”said Renato Costa, president of the JBS beef unit in Brazil.

The executive takes the opportunity to highlight that all the data collected will be analyzed by Agri Trace Animal Traceability, a system of the Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Confederation (CNA).

Costa estimates that, by the end of this year, at least 20% of the JBS indirect producers will provide the requested information.

Green Offices

The company said the data will be integrated into the Green Platform. The system will be responsible for informing the origin and destination of the inserted products.

The tool has the support of JBS processing units, called Green Offices. According to the company, about 13 of these supports have been installed on its network.

Blockchain ecosystem to boost sustainability

Tomazoni said that the company is committed to zeroing the emission of polluting gases generated in its production.

In addition, the company’s CEO said that he intends to inspire the entire livestock segment with sustainability. The executive took the opportunity to declare that blockchain is a support in this process.

JBS also plans to end deforestation in the Amazon caused by its production chain by 2025.

According to the company, about R $ 5.4 billion will be earmarked for environmental preservation initiatives in Brazil and for the production of “green” foods. Part of that amount went to the blockchain solution adopted by the company.

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